Terms of Use

Effective as on 29-Nov-2021

Updated as on 29-Nov-2021

Welcome to TCHR Talk!

TCHR Talk’s developed technology-based solutions offer communication services that enable creation of communities and allow interaction among members within the application. Our goal is to foster an association of people involved in the education sector – including but not limited to teachers, teaching staff and assistants engaged in the formal and informal education sectors.  

1.          Introduction to Terms

TCHR Talk is owned and operated by Teachotech Social Private Limited (“Company”) registered under the Companies Act, 2013. If you wish to ask us any questions or have any queries regarding these Terms, please email us at [email protected]

These Terms provide the terms and conditions under which you (“Visitor/ User”) may visit TCHR’s application or website-based platform or any of its affiliate websites and/ or use its products, apps, services, or any other technology-based product (collectively “Products”) here under.

These Terms are binding on all Users of our Products. We encourage you to review these Terms whenever you use our Products to make sure that you understand the Terms and governing use of the Products.

·                Reference made to Products includes any website, application, software or database programs, graphics, visual or written content, algorithms in connection with TCHR Talk.

·                Reference to Terms means these terms wholly, inclusive of the Policies, as may be updated and amended from time to time.

·                Reference to Policies includes all policies such as the Data Policy, Privacy Policy and any other policy as may be updated or amended from time to time.

1.1.        Data Policy

We use your personal data, which you input voluntarily in order to use our Products, to determine and depict advertisements to you, that may be relevant to your interests.

·                Please note that unless your consent is obtained, your personal information or data is not sold to third party advertisers (i.e., name, email, contact details etc.)

·                We obtain information from third parties and advertisers as to the kind of demographic they would like to showcase their advertisements and promotional messages to, and use your personal information to gauge your interests and verify whether you fall into such a demographic, and accordingly showcase third party information and advertisements to you, while you use our Products.

·                We may provide advertisers and third parties with relevant information and data generated by us, based on your interaction with advertisements showcased on our Products.

Please refer to our Data Policy to understand more on how your personal data is collected and used in accordance with applicable laws. Please note that you have the ability to review your data related choices and get in touch with us about how your data may be used.

1.2.        Privacy Policy

Please refer to our Privacy Policy to understand how we are committed to protecting and respecting your privacy.

2.          Services provided by Us

We aim to build communities of and for members involved in the education sphere, to help them stay connected with each other, remain engaged and build relationships. Our Products, as described below, are developed to achieve these objectives:

2.1.        Provide a personalized experience:

Our Products allow you to gain a unique experience; right from the interaction created from the use of posts, events, chats, gallery, ads, to any other content that you may see in our application and platform. Your use of the Products and activity on it, leads to generation of data. This data is used to enhance your interaction and experience, and make our Products better for you.  

2.2.        Connect with teachers and organizations that care about teachers:

By using the Products, TCHR Talk helps you form connections with other teachers, people, groups, businesses, institutes, organizations and others that matter to you or can help you make a difference personally or professionally.

We use data insight to help you connect with likeminded people better and help you form stronger ties with communities that you may care about.

2.3.        Empower self-expression and communicate about what matters to you:

TCHR Talk offers multiple ways for you to express yourself and to engage fellow members – you may share content through various forms such as photos, videos, links, sending messages to members of different communities within the platform, creating events or adding content to your profile.

2.4.        Help you find products, services and content that may be of interest to you:

Through insight generated based on your activity, we allow advertisers to show ads, offers, and other sponsored content which we believe you may find useful. This can help you find out more about products, services and content offered by third party businesses, institutes and organizations.

2.5.        Fight against harmful conduct, and protect and support your community:

Communities are built to create safe spaces for fostering goodwill and supporting causes. We want you/ Users to feel safe enough not only by building your/their own communities, but also by being part of communities built by others. We employ human and technical means and measures, to detect adverse use of our Products including malicious conduct towards other Users or posting content that is hateful, or garnered to incite hate towards any community or person. If we come across any such content or conduct which does not adhere our policy of goodwill, we will take appropriate action – for example we may remove the content, restrict the use of our Products to such User/s, disable the concerned User/s account or take appropriate legal action.

2.6.        Use and develop advanced technologies to provide safe and functional services for our Users:

Our Products are made with a view to be accessible to Users irrespective of geographical location or physical ability. We endeavor to use the latest technology including artificial intelligence and machine learning to develop our Products.

2.7.        Improving our Products:

We analyze User behavior and feedback to improve our Products from time to time, in accordance with our Data Policy and Privacy Policy. 

2.8.        Providing a seamless experience

By using our Products, you agree to our Terms and Policies. You understand and acknowledge that these Products help you find and connect with people, groups and communities that may be important to you. 

2.9.        Giving world-wide access to our Products and services:

In order to provide access globally, we may store the data and content on various servers owned by us, or use third party data centers or co-locate our own servers in third party data centers. The content and data may be distributed from any of these servers located in India or overseas. The storage and distribution of data and content shall be governed by the respective laws of User’s country.

3.          User Generated Content & Use of Content

3.1.        Restricted Content

The content shared and provided through our platform and Products is free from objectionable or restricted content, and we expect our Users to adhere to these guidelines in sharing, disseminating, generating, or creating content including text, images, videos, AR, etc. As a User, by signing up to our Products, you agree to:

·         Accept these Terms or any other Policies before creating or uploading any content.

·         Comply with applicable laws and display appropriate community behaviour in terms of using content. This includes not creating, generating, or disseminating restricted content which includes conte     nt pertaining to:

o   Child Endangerment including sexualizing of minors, promotion of paedophilia, or any other form of inappropriate interaction with a minor;

o   Inappropriate Content including hate speech, sexual content and profanity, violence, sensitive content, terrorist content, content associated with bullying or harassment, dangerous products, illegal drugs including marijuana, or endorse tobacco or alcohol;

o   Financial information which may be fraudulent or expose users to deceptive or harmful financial products and services including binary options, cryptocurrencies, personal loans etc.;

o   Gambling through use of real money, games, and contests without gamified outcomes;

o   Illegal activities including facilitating sale of illegal or prescription drugs without prescription, depicting or encouraging the use or sale of drugs, alcohol, or tobacco by minors, or providing instructions for growing or manufacturing illegal drugs;

o   Promotion of unapproved substances, irrespective of their claims or legality.


3.2.        Intellectual Property Rights of TCHR Talk or the Company:

All logos, brands and marks appearing on our Products, except as otherwise noted, are proprietary and are trademarked (either applied or applied pending) by TCHR Talk / the Company and / or its Affiliates or associate entities that may be featured on the various Products. The use of these intellectual properties or any other content on the Products, except as provided in these Terms, is strictly prohibited.

You agree not to sell or modify the content of the Products or reproduce, display, publicly perform, distribute, or otherwise use the materials of the Products, including any designs, content, copy or images in any way for any public or commercial purpose without obtaining prior written permission from an authorized person of the Company.

3.3.        Use of third-party marketing materials

In addition to making Products available, we may also offer information and marketing materials, both directly and through indirect links to third-party websites. We do not always create the information offered through our Products, instead the information is often gathered from other sources. To the extent that we create the content on our Products, such content is protected by intellectual property laws of India, both nationally and internationally. Unauthorized use of the material may lead to a violation of copyright, trademark, and/or other applicable laws in India and other countries as may be applicable to the User/ violator.

You acknowledge that your use of the content across our Products is for personal, non-commercial use. We are not responsible for use of the Products for any illegal purposes by you. Any links to third-party websites or applications or platforms are provided solely as a convenience to you. We do not endorse the content on any such third-party websites or applications or platforms. We are not responsible for the content of or any damage that may result from your access to or reliance on these third-party websites or applications or platforms. If you click on links to third-party websites, applications or platforms, you agree to do so at your own risk.

3.4.        Live-streamed Content

You agree that in the case of live-streaming apps, at the discretion of the Company, objectionable User generated content will be removed as close to real-time as reasonably possible.

In the case of use of augmented reality through our Products, any User generated content will be moderated (including the in-app reporting system) in terms of any objectionable augmented reality User generated content (e.g. sexually explicit AR image) and sensitive AR anchoring location (e.g. AR content anchored to a restricted area, such as a military base, or a private property where AR anchoring may cause issues for the property owner).

3.5.        Blocking & Removal

·         Blocking & Appropriate Action: You agree that in the event of creation, generation, dissemination or use of any restricted content as enlisted herein, appropriate action will be taken against the content, at the Company’s discretion, including blocking or removal of the User.

·         Reporting of Restricted Content: You agree to report any restricted content in the event You come across any such objectionable content during your use of our Products.

·         Abuse of Policy: In the event of abuse of these Terms, Policies, or use of restricted content, the Company reserves the right to block/ remove You from the platform, without any notice.

·         Safeguards: We provide our Users with safeguards to prevent in-app monetization from encouraging objectionable user behaviour. We encourage our Users to adhere to these guidelines. 

4.          Your Responsibilities to your communities and TCHR Talk

TCHR Talk is built to establish communities of members belonging to the education sector, develop ties amongst them and share goodwill. Hence, as a User of these Products you acknowledge responsibility towards the following:

4.1.        Who can use TCHR Talk / Products

When you take responsibility for your own actions and opinions, communities feel safer and more accountable. Thus, you agree to:

·         Use the same name as published in your personal statutory records;

·         Input accurate information about yourself on TCHR Talk;

·         Create a single account on TCHR Talk for yourself based on your personal information;

·         Refrain from sharing your password;

·         Not give access to your TCHR Talk account to any other person.  

TCHR Talk is primarily available to persons affiliated to the education sector. You cannot use TCHR Talk if:

·         You are under 18 years old (or the minimum legal age in your country to use our Products).

·         You have a history of being convicted for any sexual misconduct.

·         Your account has been previously disabled by us on account of violations of our Terms or Policies.

·         The applicable laws of your jurisdiction do not permit you to receive our Products.

4.2.        What you can share and do on TCHR Talk

Users are encouraged to share their content, ideas and opinions without compromising on the respect and dignity of other Users. You acknowledge and agree that any content posted by you or shared by you, or content that you engage or interact with across our Products, does not affect the safety and well-being of others in the community or on the platform. Therefore, you agree to refrain from following activities, directly or indirectly:

·         You shall not use our Products including our application or platform for any activity that:

o   does not comply with or breaches these Terms, Policies, and applicable laws;

o   is anti-social, anti-national, illegal, unlawful, deceitful, discriminatory or criminal;

o   infringes or violates another User or person’s rights, including their intellectual property rights.

·         You agree not to upload any malware, virus or malicious code, or engage in any activity that could damage the working or appearance of our Products including our platform or any other services offered by TCHR Talk or the Company.

·         You agree not to access or download any data or content by any means other than provided by our Products.

·         You agree not to impersonate other Users, mislead or hurt other Users through the use of our Products.

·         You agree that we have full liberty to remove or restrict access to content that violates these provisions, without seeking your consent and without informing you.

·         You agree not interfere with or disrupt the use and enjoyment of the Products by other Users.

·         You agree not to engage, directly or indirectly, in transmission of "spam", chain letters, junk mail or any other type of unsolicited communication in relation to our Products.

·         You agree not to defame, harass, abuse, or disrupt other Users through the use of our Products.

·         You agree that by using these Products, you are granted a limited, non-exclusive, non-transferable right to use the content and materials across the Products in connection with your normal, non-commercial, use of these Products.

4.3.        Right to remove information:

You acknowledge that we have the right to remove or restrict access to any content or information across our Products which, in our opinion, could be adversely impacting us legally or otherwise. In the event of removal of such content, you may request us to review your content, which we may do at our discretion.

As a User, we encourage you to report any content or conduct by another User that may either be illegal or unlawful or lead to a violation of these Terms, Policies or your rights, including intellectual property rights. 

4.4.        By using our Products, it is deemed that you agree to the following:

·         Permission to use your content that you created and shared:

For all content created, shared or uploaded by you using our products, in any form or format, (for example pictures, videos, graphics, animations, text), it is deemed that you have given us all legal permissions to host, store, distribute, play, make copies, perform publicly, translate, display, modify, run, and create derivative work. You agree to give us necessary licenses pertaining to any content or intellectual property to use the content to improve our Products or for research and development purposes.

Do note, that some content that you upload, share or consume, such as photos or videos, may be protected by intellectual property laws. TCHR Talk (or its affiliates) does not support plagiarism and will not be responsible for infringement of any intellectual property rights for content uploaded or shared by you. You agree to solely be responsible towards any legal action taken by any third party in lieu of sharing such intellectual property across the TCHR Talk Products.

·         License of the content that you create and share:

By use of these Products, it is deemed that you have granted us necessary legal permissions in accordance with applicable laws and license to use your content (mentioned in above paragraph) on a non-exclusive, transferable, royalty-free, sub-licensable basis, across the globe.

The license will be applicable as long as the content created and uploaded by you is hosted and stored in our system. The license ends when your content is deleted from our system. For example, when you share a photograph, then as per your personal settings, TCHR Talk (or its affiliates) may store, copy or share the same with service providers in connection with the Products, at our discretion.

·         Deleting your Content

You have option to delete your content from the Products anytime.

Due to technical reasons, we may take up to 90 days to effectuate the deletion of your content from our systems.

Once your content is deleted, it will not be visible to other Users, anymore, however, the deleted content may continue to reside elsewhere on our systems.

Even after the deletion is effectuated, your content may continue to reside in other’s User’s devices. We cannot delete content if it has been downloaded to the devices of other Users or third parties. While we expect Users to follow our Terms and Policies and applicable laws, we have no control on usage of the content downloaded, stored or shared on their device.

·         We may, unilaterally, delete your content in following conditions:

o   We identify any content that is illegal, anti-social, anti-national or breaches of our Terms and Policies.

o   To comply with a legal obligation, such as the preservation of evidence; or

o   To comply with a request from a government agency, law enforcement agency, judicial or administrative authority.

Even after unilaterally deleting your content, we shall retain the content until it no longer necessary by any authority.

Even after deleting the content, we shall continue to hold the license, as mentioned earlier, will continue until the content completely deleted from our system.

·         Customer Solicitation:

Unless you notify authorised representatives (in the event you receive any calls or via email), of your desire to opt out from further direct company communications and solicitations, you are agreeing to continue to receive further emails and / or call solicitations by us or any designated in house or third-party call team(s) for the purpose of improving our Products and understanding more about your interests and how you can be served better through the use of our Products.

You may choose to opt out by emailing us at [email protected]

4.5.        Permission to use your name, profile picture and information about your actions with ads and sponsored content:

You give us permission to use your name and profile picture and information about actions that you have taken on TCHR Talk next to or in connection with ads, offers and other sponsored content that we display across our Products, without any compensation to you.

For example, we may show your friends or connections that you are interested in an advertised event or have liked a page created by a brand that has paid us to display its ads on TCHR Talk. Advertisements like this can be seen only by people who have your permission to see the actions that you have taken on TCHR Talk.

4.6.        Permission to update software that you use or download:

If you download or use our Products, you give us permission to download and install updates to the software as available.

4.7.        Limits on using our intellectual property

If you use content covered by intellectual property rights that we have and make available in our Products (for example, including but not limited to images, designs, videos or sounds that we provide, which you add to content that you create or share on TCHR Talk), we retain all rights to that content. You can only use our copyrights or trademarks (or any similar marks) with our prior written permission. You must obtain our written permission to modify, create derivative works of, decompile or otherwise attempt to extract source code from us.

5.          Additional Provisions

5.1.        Updating our Terms

We work constantly to improve our Products and develop new features to make our Products better for you and the entire TCHR Talk community. As a result, we may need to update these Terms or Policies from time to time to accurately reflect our services and practices. We will only make changes if the provisions are no longer appropriate or if they are incomplete, and only if the changes are reasonable and take due account of your interests.

In the event of any modifications made to these Terms in accordance with applicable laws or otherwise, we will inform Users of the same[1]. We encourage you to keep yourself updated with these Terms and Policies. Your use of the Products following the posting any such changes or of a revised Terms will constitute your acceptance of any such changes or revisions.

We endeavor to keep the Terms agreeable to your use of our Products however, if you do not agree to our updated Terms and no longer want to be part of the TCHR Talk, you can delete your account at any time.

5.2.        Account suspension or termination

We have built TCHR Talk with an aim to be a place where members feel welcome and safe to express themselves and share their thoughts and ideas.

If we determine that you have clearly, seriously or repeatedly breached our Terms or Policies, including in particular any community standards, we may suspend or permanently disable access to your account. We may also suspend or disable your account if you repeatedly infringe other people's intellectual property rights or where we are required to do so for legal reasons. Please refer to 2.2 above on how content may be shared or requested for review. By using TCHR Talk, you agree to be bound by any community specific guidelines as may be provided within the Products, as amended from time to time.

5.3.        Limits on liability

We work hard to provide the best Products we can and to specify clear guidelines for everyone who uses them. Our Products, however, are provided "as is", and we make no guarantees that they will always be safe, secure or error-free, or that they will function without disruptions, delays or imperfections. While all reasonable care has been taken in providing the content on our Products, TCHR Talk and / or its Affiliates or associate entities shall not be responsible or liable as to the completeness or correctness of such information and any or all consequential liabilities arising out of use of any information or content pertaining to our Products. Your use of these Products is at your sole risk.

To the extent permitted by law, we disclaim all warranties, whether express or implied, including any and all implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, title and non-infringement of use of our Products. We do not control or direct what people and Users do or say, and by using our Products, you agree that we are not responsible for any actions of Users or third-parties, including their actions or conduct whether online or offline in connection with our Products, or in connection with any content that they share (including offensive, inappropriate, obscene, unlawful and other objectionable content).

We cannot predict when issues may arise with our Products. Accordingly, our liability shall be limited to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, and under no circumstances will we be liable to you for any lost profits, revenues, information or data, or consequential, special, indirect, exemplary, punitive or incidental damages arising out of or related to these Terms or the Products, even if we have been advised of the possibility of such damages.

You agree that we will not be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special or consequential damages in connection with these Terms or the Products in any manner including liabilities resulting from the inability to use our Products, or any products or services purchased or obtained or transactions entered into through our Products, or any lost profits you allege.

5.4.        Warranties

Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, we make no warranty:

·         That the information provided through our Products is accurate, reliable, complete or timely;

·         That links to any third-party website or applications are to information that is accurate, reliable, complete or timely;

·         That any advice, whether oral or written, obtained by you from these Products will create any warranty not expressly stated herein;

·         As to results that may be obtained from the use of the Products;

·         Regarding any transactions (financial or of any other nature) that may have been made in connection with the use of our Products.

5.5.        Disclaimer of Consequential Damages

In no event shall TCHR Talk or any of its affiliates or individual entities, be liable for any damages whatsoever (including, without limitations, incidental and consequential damages, lost profits, or damage to computer hardware or loss of data information or business interruption) resulting from the use or inability to use the Products, whether based on warranty, contract, tort, or any other legal theory, and whether or not, such organisations or entities were advised of the possibility of such damages.

5.6.        Disputes

We try to provide clear rules so that we can limit or hopefully avoid disputes between you and us. If a dispute does arise, however, it's useful to know up front where it can be resolved and what laws will apply.

These Products originate from the republic of India. These Terms are governed by the laws of India without regard to its conflict of law principles to the contrary. You agree not to commence or prosecute any suit, proceeding or claim to enforce the provisions of these Terms, to recover damages for breach of or default of these Terms, or otherwise arising under or by reason of these Terms, other than in courts located in State of Maharashtra. By using these Products, you consent to the jurisdiction and venue of such courts in connection with any action, suit, proceeding or claim arising under or by reason of these Terms. You hereby waive any right to trial by jury arising out of these Terms and any related document.

5.7.        Other

Entire Agreement: These Terms comprise the entire agreement between you and the Company and supersedes any prior agreements pertaining to the subject matter contained herein.

Supplemental Terms: Some of the Products that we offer are also governed by supplemental Terms. If you use any of those Products, supplemental terms will be made available and will become part of our agreement with you.

Severability and Waiver: If any portion of these Terms is found to be unenforceable, the remaining portion will remain in full force and effect. If we fail to enforce any of these Terms, it will not be considered a waiver.

Transfer without Consent: You will not transfer any of your rights or obligations under these Terms to anyone else without our consent.

Legacy Contact: You may designate a person, by getting in touch with us (called a legacy contact) to manage your account if it is memorialized. Only your legacy contact or a person who you have identified in a valid will or similar document expressing clear consent to disclose your content upon death or incapacity will be able to seek disclosure from your account after it is memorialized.

Third-party beneficiary rights: These Terms do not confer any third-party beneficiary rights. All of our rights and obligations under these Terms are freely assignable by us in connection with a merger, acquisition or sale of assets, or by operation of law or otherwise.

Change in personal access information: You should know that we may need to change the Username for your account in certain circumstances (for example, if someone else claims the Username and it appears unrelated to the name that you use in everyday life). We will inform you in advance if we have to do this and explain why.

Feedback: We always appreciate your feedback and other suggestions about our Products. However, please keep in mind that we may use feedback or suggestions without any restriction or obligation to compensate you, and we are under no obligation to keep them confidential. We reserve all rights not expressly granted to you.


Privacy Policy 

Effective as on 29-Nov-2021

Updated as on 29-Nov-2021

TCHR Talk is a community that allows you control over (i) the content you post or share, or (ii) permission of viewer access to such content posted or shared by you. While our aim is to give you freedom to express yourself through your content and form connections, we are committed to protecting and respecting your privacy.

We collect your personal information and process your personal data in accordance with the Information Technology Act, 2000 and any amendments thereto, from time to time, and any other national and state laws which relate to processing of personal data, as may be applicable. Please read the following carefully to understand our views and practices regarding your personal data.

Please read this Privacy Policy along with the Terms and other Policies.

1.          General  

1.1.        We collect your personal information in order to provide and continually improve our Products (defined in the Terms).

1.2.        Our Privacy Policy is subject to change at any time without notice. To make sure you are aware of any changes, please review this Policy periodically.

1.3.        All Affiliates of the Company, including any partners and third parties who have access to any personal information will be expected to read and comply with this Policy. No third party may access or process sensitive personal information held by the Company without having first entered into a confidentiality agreement with the Company or obtained consent in writing from the Company.

1.4.        Collection of Information:

1.4.1.  Directly through the Website: We may collect information through the use of our Products. The data we collect depends on your interaction with our Products.

1.4.2.  Business Interaction: We may collect information through business interaction with you or your affiliates and employees.

1.4.3.  Other Sources: We may receive information from other sources like public databases, joint marketing partners, social media platforms or any other third parties such as carriers and subsidiaries.

1.5.        Use of Information:

1.5.1.  Information is collected to provide better Products to all our Users.

1.5.2.  When you use the Products, some information is automatically collected which may include information such as the operating system on your device, internet protocol address, access time, browser type, language, website you visited prior to using our Products. We also collect information about how you use our Products.

1.5.3.  By using our Products, you are agreeing that we may advertise your feedback.

1.5.4.  We reserve the right to retain information shared by you with us.

1.5.5.  If you opt to receive marketing correspondence from us, subscribe to our mailing list or newsletters or any other form of marketing, enter into any contests on our Products or related social media plugins, or provide us with your details at any marketing or network events, we may use your personal data for our legitimate interests in order to provide you with details about our Products, business updates and events.

1.5.6.  We use information collected through our Products as described in this Policy and we may use information to:

·               Improve our Products, or how we operate our business;

·               Understand and enhance your experience by using our Products;

·               Personalize our Products, and make appropriate recommendations;

·               Provide and deliver Products at your request;

·               Provide customer support, and respond to your comments, requests and inquiries;

·               Process, manage, complete and account for transactions;

·               Create and manage any online accounts you may create through our Products;

·               Send you related information, including notifications, technical notices, updates, security alerts and support and administrative messages;

·               Communicate with you about promotions, upcoming events and news about our Products;

·               We may process your personal information without your knowledge or consent where required by applicable law or regulation for the purpose of verification of identity or for prevention, detection or investigation, including of cyber incidents, prosecution and punishment of offences;

·               Protect and investigate and deter against fraudulent, unauthorized or illegal activity.

1.6.        Transfer of Data

1.6.1.  Information about our Users is an important part of our business and we take due care to protect the same.

1.6.2.  By using our Products, you consent to us sharing your data with our affiliates or vendors.

1.6.3.  We may employ other entities to perform functions on our behalf to whom such data may be shared.

1.6.4.  Third party service providers may have access to personal information needed to perform their functions but may not use it for any other purposes. Further, they must process any personal information in accordance with this Privacy Policy and as permitted by applicable data protection laws.

1.6.5.  We release account and other personal information when we believe is appropriate to comply with any applicable laws, enforce or apply our conditions of use, protect rights, property or safety of us, our Users or others.

2.          Privacy Principles

We help you connect with likeminded people within the education and teaching community and help you discover events and communities to join. We recognize that as a User you may want to use the platform to connect with others while refraining from sharing information either with other Users or with us. Thus, we provide you with choices regarding how your data is used. These are the principles that guide how we approach privacy at TCHR Talk.

2.1.        Control of your privacy

The platform allows you certain privacy controls which help you make the correct privacy choices for yourself.

2.2.        How data is used and managed

Our Data Policy and Terms describe how User data is used and managed in your daily use of this platform and our Products.

2.3.        Security of Information 

We have put in place various tools to ensure data is not leaked and that your account and personal information remain safe and secure.

2.4.        Deleting Information

You have the ability to delete information posted or shared by you. If you share or post information, you have the right to change your mind and delete such information as and when you want. You also have the right to delete your account whenever you want.

2.5.        Accountability

In addition to constantly undertaking privacy reviews, we endeavor to test our Products and ensure they are in line with applicable laws.

3.          Cookies

3.1.        We automatically collect information using “cookies”. Cookies are small data files stored on your hard drive and websites/ applications. Among other things, cookies help us improve our Products, marketing activities and your experience. We use cookies to see which areas and features are popular, and to count visits to our platform.

3.2.        We use cookies for the following purposes:

3.2.1.  Authenticating and verifying User account information and provide the User with relevant experiences and features;

3.2.2.  Protect User account information, data and content;

3.2.3.  Combat any activity that violates the Terms or Policies or is in violation with any applicable laws;

3.2.4.  To undertake any advertising recommendations;

3.2.5.  Measure any kind of performance metrics associated with use of the Products;

3.2.6.  Generate User insight and data and store User preferences;

3.2.7.  Provide Users with an improved experience; or to

3.2.8.  Understand User engagement and interaction for research and development.

3.3.        Most web browsers are set to accept cookies by default. If you prefer, you can choose to set your browser to remove cookies and to reject cookies. If you set your browser to reject cookies, some features such as adding items to your shopping basket, may be unavailable. For more information on how to reject cookies, see your browser’s instructions on changing your cookie settings.

3.4.        Cookies may also be used to conduct research and diagnostics to improve the content and Product, preventing fraudulent activity, improving security.

3.5.        Approved third parties (including search engines, providers of measurement and analytic services, social media networks and advertising companies) may set cookies when you interact with or use our Products.

3.6.        Controlling Cookies

As a User, you may control our use of cookies by:

3.6.1.  Opting out of receiving advertisements or information shown to you by reporting the same to us or by using tools on your device to block ads;

3.6.2.  You may use third party browser controls to alter cookie settings. 

4.          Grievance

If you have any concern about privacy or grievances with us, please contact us with a thorough description of the same and we will endeavour to do our best to resolve the issue for you.

Contact Details: [email protected]


Data Policy 

Effective as on 29-Nov-2021

Updated as on 29-Nov-2021

TCHR Talk allows you to share data with other Users, thereby creating a community of shared expression. Please read this Data Policy along with the Terms and Privacy Policy.

1.          Data Collection   

1.1.        Types of Information Collected

1.1.1.  The following information may be collected:

·               Contact Data including name, email address;

·               Profile data including Username and password;

·               Demographic information including gender, age, postal code;

·               Content including text, images, chat, voice notes, audio or video files along with metadata associated with this information;

·               Education information;

·               Identity data including PAN or Aadhar;

·               Marketing data including email preferences;

·               Financial data including financial account numbers, payment card information, details regarding payments you make through the Products, and your billing address;

·               Transaction data including information about payments to and from you and other details of products or services you have purchased through the Products, if any;

·               Device data or online activity data;

·               Any other information which may not be specifically provided herein but which will be used in accordance with the Terms and these Policies.

1.1.2.  We collect information that you share or post through the use of our Products, including information entered during the time of sign up, information shared by way of messages sent to other Users, information pertaining to metadata such as the location of a photograph etc. You have the right to control how this information is shared by you and viewed by other Users.

1.1.3.  You may provide personal information about yourself, and by doing so, you are authorizing us to have access to the same.

1.1.4.  We collect information pertaining to people, communities, events or groups you may be a part of and use the information to understand how Users interact with each other.

1.1.5.  We collect information from third party services in the event you consent to linking our platform with other third-party services or provide such information voluntarily. For e.g., syncing your calendar or contacts with the platform.

1.1.6.  In the event you make transactions through the use of our Products, we may collect information pertaining to such transactions including payment information, card related information, billing/shipping or contact details.

1.1.7.  We collect information about the type of device you use to access our Products including any device attributes, operations, identifiers, signals, networks and connections.

1.2.        Use of Information when collected:

1.2.1.  As provided under our Terms, data collected is used for the purpose of personalizing, and improving our Products to offer you an enhanced experience. We use information to provide metrics and analytics to other business services that we may be linked to.

1.2.2.  We endeavour to promote the safety, integrity and security of all information collected by us.

1.2.3.  Information collected may also be used for social impact reasons such as to conduct surveys or support based research, advancement of health and wellbeing, innovation pertaining to social welfare etc.

1.2.4.  Information collected is also used to communicate better with you, as the information helps us understand your preferences better.

2.          Data Security

2.1.        Protection of Data

2.1.1.  We take due care to protect customer data. Technical measurements are in place to prevent unauthorized or unlawful access to data against accidental loss or destruction of, or damage to, data.

2.1.2.  We maintain physical, electronic, technical and managerial safeguards to protect the security of your personal information from unauthorized access, alteration, transmission and deletion. We endeavour to protect the security of your information during transmission by using encryption protocols.

2.2.        Links to Third-Party Sites and Apps

2.2.1.  We endeavour to ensure that third parties who provide services under appropriate contracts, take appropriate security measures to protect your personal data in line with our policies.

2.2.2.  Our Products may, from time to time, contain links to and from products of third parties. Please note that if you follow a link to any of these websites, such websites will apply different terms to the collection and privacy of your personal data and we do not accept any responsibility or liability for these policies. We encourage you to read the privacy policy of every website you visit.

2.3.        Social Network Plugins

TCHR Talk incorporates plugins / buttons for social networks, in order to allow easy sharing on your favourite social networks. These plugins are programmed so as not to set any cookies when assessing the page to safeguard the privacy of Users. Cookies may be set, if you make voluntary use of the plugin. The collection and use of information obtained by means of the plugin are governed by respective privacy policies of social networks.

2.4.        Sharing Personal Information

2.4.1.  We do not share personal data with third parties without your prior consent other than:

·               with third parties who work on our behalf, provided such third parties adhere to data protection policies under applicable laws, including in line with the IT Act, 2000 and any other applicable legislations, or enter into a written agreement with us requiring that the third party provide at least the same level of privacy protection as is required by such principles;

·               To comply with laws pr to respond to lawful requests and legal process;

·               To protect rights and property of us, our agents, customers and others including to enforce our agreements, Policies and Terms;

·               In an emergency including to protect the personal safety of any person; and

·               for the purpose of any business deal or negotiation thereof, involving the sale, transfer of all or part of the Company’s assets, any kind of merger, financing, acquisition, divestiture, or bankruptcy transaction or proceeding.

3.          Grievance

If you have any concern about data share or grievances with us, please contact us with a thorough description of the same and we will endeavour to do our best to resolve the issue for you.

Contact Details: [email protected]


[1] Date of on which any such updations are made will be reflected at the beginning of these Terms.